Natural, confident,
​​​​​​​science-based Birthing

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Mini Birthing Course Content

In this webinar, you will learn the following:

1 How to have a sponaneous labor and a natural delivery:
We show you the exact process that we apply every single day at the clinic to help women have the most natural birth possible so that you can do the same! This knowledge will help you make a spontaneous, fast and easy delivery of your baby more likely!

2 How does a baby move through the pelvis:
We show you exactly how a baby moves through the pelvis, from the moment of engaging in the pelvis until baby is born. This knowledge will help you understand the challenges that baby faces when moving through your pelvis and why supporting your baby's descent will help you with an easier and faster labor.

3. How does breathing in labor work:
We teach you two simple but highly effective breathing techniques that you can apply during labor. This knowledge will help you understand how you can use your breathing to activate your parasympathetic system which will ultimately help you increase the levels of endorphins in your body (natural pain killers). Moreover, it will help you align your diaphragm and pelvic floor in order to make your baby's descent in the pelvis easier.

At the end of the webinar, we give you a handout which summarizes the breathing techniques that we cover in this webinar. It also contains lots of additional information about breathing exercises, breathing techniques, when to apply them during contractions, how to breathe between contractions, how to breathe between the pushings, and much more, so that you can optimally prepare for your labor!

After signing up, you can watch the webinar once straight away! We recommend watching it on a laptop or tablet for a better experience because the webinar contains lots of illustrations with little details. ;-)

What people say about our Webinar:

Hailey: "The entire webinar and the handout about breathing are SO helpful - thank you for offering this information for free!"

Erin: "Great stuff!! I really learned a lot - thank you!"

Vanessa: "I loved their webinar! The content is well presented and the techniques will be very useful during labor."

Ryleigh: "I tried the breathing exercises after watching your webinar - they really make a difference!"
Presented by:

Nathalie Kaufmann, Pregnancy & Birth Consultant and TCM Therapist

Mathias Ritter, Researcher and Science Geek

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